Why MinnPost doesn’t have a paywall


It’s the LAST day of the Fall Member Drive… and the last day to purchase the limited edition MinnPost Tshirt.

We need your help to preserve Minnesota’s rich local journalism and to continue to make it free to all readers.


We’ve received donations from $8,251 from 102 people so far. To reach our goal we still need to raise $3749 by midnight tonight. This will allow us to keep our non-profit newsroom fully powered during a major midterm election year. You can help us reach our goal and get a MinnPost T-shirt! You can give $10/month or $120/year as a gift right now.

YES! Yes!

YES! Yes!

Instead, I will make a one-time present

MinnPost is the foundation of our non-profit mission. It serves as a trusted guide to Minnesotans who are interested in the state’s issues and challenges. We don’t treat politics as a game and don’t put a paywall on our reporting.

Our work is only possible with the support of readers like you. Don’t want to commit to $10 per month? Gifts of all sizes are crucial to the funding of our non-profit newsroom. Would you consider supporting our team by making a donation today of any amount?

We are so grateful to so many MinnPost readers who donated during the Fall Member Drive! Here are some of their reasons for giving:

“Great local coverage – essential to those who care about Minnesota politics, the health of our state, and democracy.” Steve, Minneapolis

“You are my go-to website for news behind the news with good research and understandable explanations.” Anonymous donor, Andover

“I enjoy news and keeping up with the latest happenings in the local scene, as well as national. MinnPost is an important source for me, and I respect their journalistic roots .” — William St. Paul

“I believe in independent and impartial journalism.” JoAnn, St. Paul

This T-shirt is limited edition. To get your T-shirt, you must donate $10 per month ( / $120/year). You can do this by midnight.

YES! Yes!

YES! Yes!

Instead, I will make a one-time present

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